Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Texa, Margaret, Texas

Take a look at the lay of the land in this fair, wild state.
No wonder Sam Houston was enchanted. 
No wonder bloody battles were fought over the rivers, land, and towns. 
Even the cityscapes are remarkably beautiful.
My Hill Country Paintings for Sale

When Sam first brought me to this state, I thought I'd never seen such wide-open sky.  The rivers and roads continue to take my breath away. 

I'm going to pay tribute to my adopted state by painting deserts, sky, and cacti. 

Monday, December 14, 2015

Wood as Canvas


I got my husband to get these cedar boards--- fence posts, actually. The texture and rough-sketch result is quite folksy and quaint. I love it. Krystal is not impressed. 
I would like a whole wall paneled in these. 

The snow guy needs some zip. He resembles an over eager used car salesman kind of guy, so maybe a plaid bow tie. 1950's style. Used car salesman are much more savvy these days. 

There was one complication in working in the little paint room all day. My eyes began to burn from the cedar! Had to move into the big room and turn on the fans. This comes from being allergic to lots of things.. .

I think this forest needs some deer and some rabbits. 

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Wintry Nights

One night in the 70's, my dad looked out at the full moon and the softly falling snow.
"Let's take a walk."  Even though the family included a mom, a dad, and three teenagers, no one said, "I'm too busy," or "That's lame, Dad." 

If Dad wanted to walk, it was sure to be a good time. We geared up with hats, gloves, heavy coats, winter boots.  The air was crisp and twenty-something, but there was little wind. 

We walked to the top of the lower field and trampled through high weeds to the neighbors' fields. High above the town, we could see the sparkling lights below, but the heavenly stars and moon put all that to shame.  Even the snow sparkled and glowed.  

Fence posts

Every year, I paint some things to give family and friends.
 Michelle requests a Cheesehead snowman this time around.

My paint room smells like cedar!  My husband
bought these boards at Home Depot and cut them to size. 
I'm using inexpensive paint as the wood soaks up the 
acrylics like a dry desert after a short rain. 

I'm playing around with landscapes, too, as the rough wood
makes an interesting texture. 

These evergreens will sprout lights and snow and glittery
ornaments soon.