Sunday, April 14, 2013

Paintings for Good Homes

TJ looked longingly at my rendition of Starry Night. Yet again, he asked if he could have it. And once again, I explained my terms. "Just bring me a canvas to replace it."

The other day, he had grumbled that teachers are rich, why couldn't I give him a painting. Since I have students who ask me for money, for my IPad, for my jewelry, and for the paintings on my classroom wall, I must draw parameters around my stuff. I give away pencils pretty freely. Painting supplies, however, must be replaced.

TJ asked the art teacher for a blank canvas. Last Friday, he went home with my Starry Night.

Then Kristen came into town. She had written me a check and also sent a very nice set of acrylics through Amazon. She took away 7 paintings. She liked all the tree paintings.

I feel oddly like a pet owner who hopes her kittens or puppies will be treated well in their new homes. It's not wrenching, as yielding a child for adoption must be. It's more a nagging doubt. That realization dawns that you can't possibly keep stacks of canvases around the house--or kittens, or gerbils, or dogs. Someone else who will love your creature should have that chance. And now I have wall space in class, and storage space at home to start the next sets!

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