Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Moon Over Cabo San Lucas

This photo really doesn't convey the mood of the moment. Maybe I can put it adequately on canvas.  The night was warm, wind stirred the palms, and the waves below crashed.  However, this is a shot of the pool, which was serenely blue. 
The most striking element was the clarity and sharpness of the dancing, reflected moonlight, while the moon itself was slightly veiled by thin clouds.  

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Fall path

Lesson learned: put the coffee further away than the paint water cup! 
I keep wanting to dip my brush in java. 
This is for my colleague, who wanted a fall path pic since the beginning of the year.  Just now getting to it!  I'll add some low-lights when daylight comes.  Colors aren't true until the sun comes up.  I think the yellow may be too sunny.